Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.
Ticket number: INC2337252
Fault type: Power issue
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Östhammar
Occured: 2024-12-05 10:41 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-12-05 11:58 CET/CEST
2024-12-05 11:58 – RFO:
What was the fault?
– Power outage
What caused the fault?
– Power outage
How was the fault fixed?
– RFO: The electrical power grid failure that caused the incoming power failure on several individual sites has been restored by the electrical power company that provides the electrical power to previously mentioned locations.
Is this a permanent solution?
– Yes
2024-12-05 10:50 – There is an ongoing power outage in the area affecting GlobalConnect equipment. Power supplier is working on solving the issue. // Det är för närvarande ett strömavbrott i området som påverkar vår nätverksutrustning. Nätägaren arbetar med att avhjälpa felet.
Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.
Ticket number: INC2335741
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Järfälla
Occured: 2024-12-02 21:56 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-12-02 22:20 CET/CEST
2024-12-02 22:40 – We had a short outage caused by a human error during a planned maintenance that was not supposed to be service affecting, as soon as outage was detected, performing tech initiated restorative actions. All services restored and no further outage is expected.. // Vi hade en kort störning orsakad av ett mänskligt fel under implementeringen av ett underhållsarbete som inte skulle vara tjänstepåverkande. Så fort störningen upptäcktes så började utförande tekniker återställningsarbetet.
Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.
Ticket number: INC2335487
Fault type: Fiber break
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Finland
Occured: 2024-12-02 16:16 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-12-03 12:00 CET/CEST
2024-12-03 15:13 – As of 12:00 – we confirm all services back up and running again. We can also confirm that both (Subcontractor and GlobalConnect) cables were broken due to excavation work, and therefore we assess these incidents as a coincidence of unfortunate circumstances.
Yesterday, two fiber cables were broken in Finland and thereby affecting GlobalConnect’s services in Finland. It was caused by two separate incidents happening at 12.00 and 17.00. No sea cables were affected. One of the affected cables was repaired during the night, and the other cable was repaired earlier today.
2024-12-03 12:11 – Services are restored. Awaiting confirmation from technician that the outage is solved to close this ticket.
2024-12-03 11:36 – Repair work is ongoing. NEW ETR 13:00 CET // Reparationsarbetet fortsätter. NY ETR 13:00 CET
2024-12-03 11:11 – Repair work is ongoing. ETR 12:00 CET // Reparationsarbetet fortsätter. ETR 12:00 CET
2024-12-03 10:07 – Technician has begun splicing the fiber. No ETR
2024-12-03 09:22 – We are currently addressing a network outage in Finland caused by two separate incidents. No sea cables have been affected.
We have repaired one of the affected cables, and most customer services have been restored. Second cable issue are being worked at and repair have started
And we cannot give an estimated resolution time at this point. Backups leg also activated with extra capacity.
The team continues to monitor the situation closely
2024-12-03 09:10 – Fault location has been located, technician is en route to fault location. ETA 20min. Splicing will begin shortly after.
2024-12-03 06:22 – Major outage in Finland caused by separate incidents in our network, no sea cables are affected.
Subprovider informs splicework is still ongoing, they have no estimation until techs are hands off yet.
We are still awaiting excavator for the second cable cut.
Next update 09:00 CET
2024-12-03 03:04 – Major outage in Finland caused by separate incidents in our network, no sea cables are affected.
Subprovider has repaired our cable affected by the first cable cut, they are however not hands off yet, they estimate they will be working on the repairs for another 2 hours.
Most redundant services should be restored, and will hopefully not be affected further, but we are waiting until subprovider’s techs are hands off.
The second cable cut has most likely been located, but excavation is required to verify and perform repairs, however no excavator is available until the morning, so repairwork of that cable is now on hold for a few hours.
Next update 06:00 CET
2024-12-03 00:50 – Major outage in Finland caused by separate incidents in our network, no sea cables are affected.
Reroute completed for IP and B2C services, WLS services remain down and work continues to repair the first cable cut which will restore most redundant WLS services. Technicians are still working to locate the second cut.
ETR is currently set for 04:00
Next update 03:00
2024-12-02 23:53 – Major outage in Finland caused by separate incidents in our network, no sea cables are affected.
Splicing work and re-routing efforts are progressing simultaneously to restore services as soon as possible.
ETR is currently set for 04:00
Next update 02:00
2024-12-02 21:55 – Major outage in Finland caused by separate incidents in our network, no sea cables are affected.
Currently looking into alternative routing and available solutions to repair affected cables.
Technicians are on site currently working on splicing the first cable, and tech just arrived at site for the other cable and are trying to locate the fault to start splicing of the cables
ETR is currently set for 04:00
Next update 02:00
2024-12-02 21:47 – Major outage in Finland caused by separate incidents in our network, no sea cables are affected.
Currently looking into alternative routing and available solutions to repair affected cables.
Technicians are on site currently working on splicing the first cable, and tech just arrived at site for the other cable and are trying to locate the fault to start splicing of the cables
ETR is currently set for 04:00
Next update 02:200
2024-12-02 20:54 – Major outage in Finland caused by separate incidents in our network, no sea cables are affected.
Currently looking into alternative routing and available solutions to repair affected cables.
Technicians are on site currently working and also en-route to the second destination.
ETR is currently set for 04:00
Next update 22.00
2024-12-02 19:26 – Major outage in Finland caused by separate incidents in our network, no sea cables are affected.
Currently looking into alternative routing and available solutions to repair affected cables.
No estimated solution time at this moment.
Next update 21.00
2024-12-02 18:02 – Technician is en route to locate fault. // Teknikern har mätt ett potentiellt fiberbrott på kabeln och är på väg till platsen.
2024-12-02 17:01 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.
Disturbance resolved and services restored. If you are still experiencing issues with your service please report the problem according to normal procedure.
Ticket number: INC2327996
Fault type: Currently unknown
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Location: Globalconnect Webportals
Occured: 2024-11-15 07:06 CET/CEST
Service(s) restored: 2024-11-18 11:50 CET/CEST
2024-11-18 13:07 – All service function has been restored as of around 11:50 CET today, if you are still experiencing issues it is likely not related to this incident.
2024-11-15 14:12 – Troubleshooting is still ongoing, customers should not see any bigger faults than longer response times to webportals at this time. // Felsökning pågår fortfarande, kunder ska inte uppleva mer påverkan än högre svarstider mot våra webbportaler just nu.
2024-11-15 09:41 – We currently have an outage affecting our webportals and may cause higher response times, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning som påverkar våra webbportaler och kan orsaka högra svarstider. Felsökning pågår.
Ticket number: INC2338098
Location: Fagerfjäll
Description: Multiple customer affecting fault
Fault type: Fiber break
Occurred: 2024-12-06 17:49 CET/CEST
Estimated Time of Repair: To be announced
Status: Troubleshooting in progress
Next update: 2024-12-07 10:32 CET/CEST
Last update(s):
2024-12-07 09:32 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör
2024-12-07 01:38 – A disturbance detected in our sub provider’s network. Troubleshooting is ongoing with sub provider // Felet har lokaliserats vara hos vår underleverantör. Felsökning pågår med underleverantör
2024-12-06 19:05 – A field technician ordered to site for troubleshooting. // Fälttekniker beställd för felsökning på plats.
2024-12-06 18:45 – Troubleshooting is ongoing. // Felsökning fortsätter.
2024-12-06 17:51 – We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing. // Vi har för närvarande en driftstörning. Felsökning pågår.